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Category: Google
Google Brings Store Rating To Search Results In 4 New Countries
On October 9th, Google made an exciting announcement regarding its store ratings feature, revealing plans to expand its availability to four additional English-speaking countries: Australia, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom. Until this update, this valuable tool had been exclusively accessible to users in the United States. The expansion aims to enhance the shopping experience … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2024/11/15/google-brings-store-rating-to-search-results-in-4-new-countries/">Continued</a>
How To Optimise Google Business Profiles
A solid online presence is crucial for any business in today’s digital age. Optimising your Google Business Profile is one of the most effective ways to enhance your visibility, especially for local searches. Whether a small business owner or managing a larger enterprise, mastering your Google Business Profile can drive traffic, attract customers, and boost … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2024/07/03/how-to-optimise-google-business-profiles/">Continued</a>
Google AI Overviews Criticised for Providing Harmful & Wrong Answers
With the rapid integration of artificial intelligence in everyday technology, it’s easy to forget that not all advancements are foolproof. A striking example is Google’s AI Overviews in search, which has been under fire for delivering misleading, incorrect, and even dangerous responses to user queries. For those who may not know, Google’s AI Overviews is … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2024/06/13/google-ai-overviews-criticised-for-providing-harmful-wrong-answers/">Continued</a>
Leak Reveals Inner Workings of Google Ranking Algorithm
Understanding the mechanics behind Google’s ranking algorithm can be the difference between online obscurity and front-page visibility for businesses and digital marketers. The elusive algorithm has long been a moving target, with occasional glimpses into its intricate workings revealed through official statements and the SEO community’s relentless sleuthing. However, a recent information leak has shone … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2024/06/06/leak-reveals-inner-workings-of-google-ranking-algorithm/">Continued</a>
Summary of Google’s March 2024 Core Update
Google’s March 2024 Core Update has finally rolled out, finishing on April 19, 2024, after beginning its intricate process on March 5th. This update has been significant, notably changing the landscape of SEO and online content creation. Unlike previous updates, it ended the standalone helpful content update, marking a pivotal shift in Google’s approach to … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2024/05/14/summary-of-googles-march-2024-core-update/">Continued</a>
Google Ads Country Limitation Update
Google Ads has implemented a new restriction affecting geographical exclusions, allowing advertisers to omit 120 countries from their campaign targeting. This change presents businesses with the dual challenge of refining their global advertising strategies while also leveraging the opportunity to tailor their marketing efforts in a more focused manner. What This Could Mean For Advertisers … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2024/03/14/google-ads-country-limitation-update/">Continued</a>
How Google’s Cookie Update Will Affect You
Every year, companies are finding it more challenging to track their website data due to the increasingly strict privacy rules enforced by conglomerates such as Google and Apple. For example, we have seen Apple make significant changes to iOS over multiple updates that limit third-party cookie tracking through Safari and provide users with the ability … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2024/02/27/how-googles-cookie-update-will-affect-you/">Continued</a>
Google & Yahoo’s Anti-Spam Email Update
In February 2024, Google and Yahoo are set to change their approach towards bulk email senders. In their next anti-spam email update, both Gmail and Yahoo Mail will monitor and take action against any domain dispatching more than 5,000 emails a day. According to industry experts, this move could significantly impact various businesses that rely … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2024/01/11/google-yahoos-anti-spam-email-update/">Continued</a>
Google’s New Spam Update – What Does This Mean For Your Website
On October 4th and 5th, Google released two significant updates – the Spam Update and the latest Google Core Update. These updates have brought about a major shift in how Google ranks and reviews content, affecting how websites appear in search engine results pages (SERPs). As a result, website owners are now concerned about how … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2023/11/03/googles-new-spam-update-what-does-this-mean-for-your-website/">Continued</a>
How Google Is Changing Search By Using Generative AI
As the world’s most popular search engine, Google is constantly innovating to improve the quality and relevance of search results. Recently, Google introduced a new technology called “generative AI” that promises to take search results to the next level. This new technology uses machine learning algorithms to generate content that is both informative and engaging. … <a href="https://www.odysseynewmedia.com/2023/09/20/how-google-is-changing-search-by-using-generative-ai/">Continued</a>
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